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Age of onset and causes

Age of onset

Epilepsy can begin at any age. But 20 percent of people with epilepsy is found before the age of 5.

Half of them are under 25. Most are 10 and under or 60 and older. Do to the medical causes.

1 in 10 people will experience a seizure in some point of their life.

I don’t like statistics and that really is all this page is about. The ages they set make it sound like the flu. In all actuality anyone can become epileptic or have epilepsy and just not know it.



70 percent are unknown (some hereditary)

the other 30 percent are caused by

Head trauma

Brain tumor and stroke

Poisoning à lead, drugs, alcohal, ect.


Maternal injury à like illnesses, drugs, alcohal

The reason for the age thing is the fact that after 60 is the increase risk of stroke, or infection; and under 10 is increase risk of infection and poisoning. However the people in the middle still have the risk of alcohal, drugs, head trauma, or infection causing them to become epileptic.