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Anti-convulsion medication is the most popular treatment but there are two other courses of action that can be taken.

Surgery- this option is only used after drugs fail and only in some circumstances

High calorie diet- used on children only as an alternative to medication

Taking medication daily is never gonna be fun but it is my life and the life of many others. Those who have the chance to have surgery have the safest option. Brain sugery is safer than having seizures, and since drug therapy is a hit or miss trial and error thing then it takes a while to get it right. Some children get left untreated because there is a chance they will grow out of it. When I finally started getting treated the pediatric neurologist told me that if I was on meds and seizure free for 2 years they could ease me off the meds and I wouldn’t have to take them anymore. That doctor tried his theory twice and failed each time so my whole future relies on me being on meds and them working.

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